
A Welcome and Explanation

Last week was like any normal week. Get to work by 8am, grab a quick workout over lunch, crush a protein/vegetable smoothie to get super cut, get home, eat dinner, wake up/surprise  Baevita with a trip to the dog park, check emails, go to bed, do it all over again. A couple things happened, however, that have led me down this path, a path that will most likely lead to me becoming a very well known blogger and social media personality. Great! My office consists of mostly older people (at least older than me) who, generally, do not follow technology trends with the same vigor with which I do. My household is the same way, as is my group of (admittedly few) friends. Now, I don't consider myself the next Zuckerberg, or really even that great with technology or its trends. Google or Apple would, at the very best, giggle me out of the room of any interview. My expertise consists mostly of low level tinkering such as installing new operating systems on my phone to prolong battery li
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